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会話練習はなく「Vocabulary・Grammar・Listening・Reading」の4種類から学習したいカテゴリーのレッスンを選択し受講します。 強化したい部分を選択して受講できるため、スコアが伸び悩んでいるPartの弱点強化にも最適です。









レベル 受講時のTOEIC®L&Rスコア目安
TOEIC®L&R レベル1 350点~500点
TOEIC®L&R レベル2 505点~700点
TOEIC®L&R レベル3 705点~


Seed Learning 出版の洋書を使用します。


  • Vocabulary At the Office

  • Vocabulary: Technology

  • Vocabulary: Advertising




レベル1 - Building - Unit 1-5

  • Unit 1-1. Vocabulary At the Office

  • Unit 1-2. Grammar Subject-Verb Agreement

  • Unit 1-3. Listening Homophones

  • Unit 1-4. Reading Main Idea I

  • Unit 2-1. Vocabulary Travel

  • Unit 2-2. Grammar YesNo Questions

  • Unit 2-3. Listening Keywords

  • Unit 2-4. Reading Main Idea II

  • Unit 3-1. Vocabulary Shopping

  • Unit 3-2. Grammar Articles

  • Unit 3-3. Listening Negative Words

  • Unit 3-4. Reading Skimming and Scanning

  • Unit 4-1. Vocabulary Banking

  • Unit 4-2. Grammar Phrasal Verbs

  • Unit 4-3. Listening Partially True Statements

  • Unit 4-4. Reading Inference

  • Unit 5-1. Vocabulary College Life

  • Unit 5-2. Grammar Countable and Uncountable (N)

  • Unit 5-3. Listening Words with Multiple Meanings

  • Unit 5-4. Reading Transition Words

レベル1 - Building - Unit 6-10

  • Unit 6-1. Vocabulary: Around the House

  • Unit 6-2. Grammar: Quantifiers

  • Unit 6-3. Listening: Modal Verbs

  • Unit 6-4. Reading: Misused Words

  • Unit 7-1. Vocabulary: Transportation

  • Unit 7-2. Grammar: Gerunds and Infinitives

  • Unit 7-3. Listening: Commonly Confused Words

  • Unit 7-4. Reading: Synonyms

  • Unit 8-1. Vocabulary: In a Factory

  • Unit 8-2. Grammar: Simple Present and Present Progressive

  • Unit 8-3. Listening: Yes/No Questions

  • Unit 8-4. Reading: Using Context to Answer Questions

  • Unit 9-1. Vocabulary: Health Care

  • Unit 9-2. Grammar: Simple Past

  • Unit 9-3. Listening: Making Inferences

  • Unit 9-4. Reading: Antonyms

  • Unit 10-1. Vocabulary: The World of Work

  • Unit 10-2. Grammar: Modal Verbs

  • Unit 10-3. Listening: Adverbs of Time

  • Unit 10-4. Reading: Homonyms

レベル1 - Building - Unit 11-14

  • Unit 11-1. Vocabulary: Housing

  • Unit 11-2. Grammar: Adjectives and Adverbs

  • Unit 11-3. Listening: Minimal pairs

  • Unit 11-4. Reading: Questions with Not

  • Unit 12-1. Vocabulary: Entertainment

  • Unit 12-2. Grammar: Comparatives

  • Unit 12-3. Listening: Words with Similar Meanings

  • Unit 12-4. Reading: Wrong Word Form

  • Unit 13-1. Vocabulary: Buildings

  • Unit 13-2. Grammar: Zero and First Conditionals

  • Unit 13-3. Listening: Sequence

  • Unit 13-4. Reading: Cause and Effect

  • Unit 14-1. Vocabulary: Eating Out

  • Unit 14-2. Grammar: Present Perfect

  • Unit 14-3. Listening: Attitudes

  • Unit 14-4. Reading: Paraphrasing

レベル2 - Developing - Unit 1-5

  • Unit 1-1. Vocabulary: Technology

  • Unit 1-2. Grammar: Future Forms

  • Unit 1-3. Listening: Embedded Questions

  • Unit 1-4. Reading: Types of Passages

  • Unit 2-1. Vocabulary: Job Skills

  • Unit 2-2. Grammar: Imperatives

  • Unit 2-3. Listening: Analyzing Pictures

  • Unit 2-4. Reading: Pronouns

  • Unit 3-1. Vocabulary: Management

  • Unit 3-2. Grammar: Dynamic and Stative Verbs

  • Unit 3-3. Listening: Recognizing Different Accents

  • Unit 3-4. Reading: Wh-Questions

  • Unit 4-1. Vocabulary: Law

  • Unit 4-2. Grammar: Conjunctions

  • Unit 4-3. Listening: Words to Listen For

  • Unit 4-4. Reading: Types of Questions

  • Unit 5-1. Vocabulary: News and Media

  • Unit 5-2. Grammar: Transitive and Intransitive (V)

  • Unit 5-3. Listening: Stressed Words

  • Unit 5-4. Reading: Skimming

レベル2 - Developing - Unit 6-10

  • Unit 6-1. Vocabulary: Real Estate

  • Unit 6-2. Grammar: Past Progressive

  • Unit 6-3. Listening: Questions and Responses

  • Unit 6-4. Reading: Scanning

  • Unit 7-1. Vocabulary: Business Travel

  • Unit 7-2. Grammar: Second Conditional

  • Unit 7-3. Listening: Focus on Person

  • Unit 7-4. Reading: Collocations

  • Unit 8-1. Vocabulary: At a Conference

  • Unit 8-2. Grammar: Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

  • Unit 8-3. Listening: similar Information

  • Unit 8-4. Reading: Phrasal Verbs

  • Unit 9-1. Vocabulary: Weather

  • Unit 9-2. Grammar: Prefixes

  • Unit 9-3. Listening: Homonyms and Similar-Sounding Words

  • Unit 9-4. Reading: Transitional Words and Phrases

  • Unit 10-1. Vocabulary: Meetings

  • Unit 10-2. Grammar: Delexical Verbs

  • Unit 10-3. Listening: Order of Events

  • Unit 10-4. Reading: Words Forms

レベル2 - Developing - Unit 11-12

  • Unit 11-1. Vocabulary: Manufacturing

  • Unit 11-2. Grammar: Present Perfect

  • Unit 11-3. Listening: Similar Information in Answer Choices

  • Unit 11-4. Reading: Speed

  • Unit 12-1. Vocabulary: Business Entertainment

  • Unit 12-2. Grammar: Modal Verbs

  • Unit 12-3. Listening: Relationships Between Ideas

  • Unit 12-4. Reading: Defining Words and Phrases

レベル3 - Mastering - Unit 1-5

  • Unit 1-1. Vocabulary: Advertising

  • Unit 1-2. Grammar: Superlatives

  • Unit 1-3. Listening: Facts and Assumptions

  • Unit 1-4. Reading: Unnecessary Words

  • Unit 2-1. Vocabulary: Customer Service

  • Unit 2-2. Grammar: Voice

  • Unit 2-3. Listening: Avoiding Traps for Picture Descriptions

  • Unit 2-4. Reading: Transitions

  • Unit 3-1. Vocabulary: Shipping

  • Unit 3-2. Grammar: Third Conditional

  • Unit 3-3. Listening: Expressions of Location

  • Unit 3-4. Reading: Formal Vs. Informal Verbs

  • Unit 4-1. Vocabulary: Finance

  • Unit 4-2. Grammar: Suffixes

  • Unit 4-3. Listening: Different Type of Talks

  • Unit 4-4. Reading: Understanding Tone

  • Unit 5-1. Vocabulary: Sales and Marketing Research

  • Unit 5-2. Grammar: Gerunds

  • Unit 5-3. Listening: Location, Activity, Occupation, and People

  • Unit 5-4. Reading: Interpreting Charts, Tables, and Graphs

レベル3 - Mastering - Unit 6-10

  • Unit 6-1. Vocabulary: Office Management

  • Unit 6-2. Grammar: Infinitives

  • Unit 6-3. Listening: Topic, Reason, and Time

  • Unit 6-4. Reading: Phrasal Verbs

  • Unit 7-1. Vocabulary: Roles and Responsibilities

  • Unit 7-2. Grammar: Comparisons

  • Unit 7-3. Listening: using Graphics

  • Unit 7-4. Reading: Uses of For

  • Unit 8-1. Vocabulary: Running a Business

  • Unit 8-2. Grammar: Future Perfect

  • Unit 8-3. Listening: Idioms

  • Unit 8-4. Reading: Understanding a Text

  • Unit 9-1. Vocabulary: Job Hunting

  • Unit 9-2. Grammar: Adverb Clauses of Time

  • Unit 9-3. Listening: Problems, Advice, and Suggestions

  • Unit 9-4. Reading: Choosing the Correct Sentence

  • Unit 10-1. Vocabulary: The Stock Market

  • Unit 10-2. Grammar: Relative Clauses

  • Unit 10-3. Listening: Number Questions

  • Unit 10-4. Reading: Finding the Correct Location

レベル3 - Mastering - Unit 11-12

  • Unit 11-1. Vocabulary: Communication

  • Unit 11-2. Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous

  • Unit 11-3. Listening: Preference or Opinion

  • Unit 11-4. Reading: Collocations

  • Unit 12-1. Vocabulary: The Medical Industry

  • Unit 12-2. Grammar: Reported Speech

  • Unit 12-3. Listening: Recognizing Types of Talks

  • Unit 12-4. Reading: Synonyms
