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レベル 5 (上級者:全般)DISCUSSION

  • フィリピン人講師
  • ネイティブ講師




  • Easy Like Sunday Morning

  • What a bad sport!

  • Winding Your Body Clock




Yourself 01

  • Yourself - Easy Like Sunday Morning

  • Yourself - Up in the Air

  • Yourself - I’ll never forget that gelato I ate in Florence.

  • Yourself - An Uphill Battle

  • Yourself - It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop. – Confusius

  • Yourself - Everything’s All Right

  • Yourself - Introvert or Extrovert?

  • Yourself - Out of my way!

  • Yourself - It’ll come to me …

  • Yourself - Tantrum Time

  • Yourself - I’m in a different frame of mind now.

  • Yourself - What an achievement!

  • Yourself - He’s pretty egotistical.

  • Yourself - We burst out laughing.

  • Yourself - What a slacker!

  • Yourself - Let’s formulate a plan.

  • Yourself - Ahead of the Curve

  • Yourself - I’m dreading that.

  • Yourself - It makes my skin crawl.

  • Yourself - Pick up your game.

Yourself 02

  • Yourself - What a bad sport!

  • Yourself - Don’t knock it before you’ve tried it.

  • Yourself - It’s so nerve-racking.

  • Yourself - Nice Dreams and Nightmares

  • Yourself - The Power of Words

  • Yourself - Tempting Fate

  • Yourself - A Better Tomorrow

  • Yourself - You Can Call Me Jimmy

Daily Life 01

  • Daily Life - Winding Your Body Clock

  • Daily Life - Run Off My Feet

  • Daily Life - I can feel my lifetime piling up.

  • Daily Life - Sold!

  • Daily Life - Commuting Options

  • Daily Life - Electricity

  • Daily Life - They’re making a racket!

  • Daily Life - Tackling Big Challenges

  • Daily Life - What ingenuity!

  • Daily Life - Sleep Effects

  • Daily Life - I'm going through a phase.

  • Daily Life - Living Small

  • Daily Life - Walking Around

  • Daily Life - The Blogging Community

  • Daily Life - Cost-Cutting Measures

  • Daily Life - Taxi!

  • Daily Life - Friday on My Mind

  • Daily Life - Worker Productivity

Relations 01

  • Relations - We clicked right away.

  • Relations - Social Bonding

  • Relations - The Thunderbolt

  • Relations - My Way or the Highway

  • Relations - Parenting

  • Relations - Let’s clear the air.

  • Relations - Meet the Parents

  • Relations - Making Connections

  • Relations - Appearance and Personality

  • Relations - Babysitting Concerns

  • Relations - Let’s be frank.

  • Relations - I have news.

  • Relations - Mother knows best.

  • Relations - Telling the Truth

  • Relations - We can’t disclose that information.

  • Relations - I'm about to throw a fit!

  • Relations - Roomies

  • Relations - Any excuse will do.

  • Relations - He's a good conversationalist.

  • Relations - Inspiring Future Generations

Relations 02

  • Relations - A Foot in the Door

Health 01

  • Health - Keeping Fit

  • Health - Time out!

  • Health - Heart Health

  • Health - UV Protection

  • Health - I’m allergic to that.

  • Health - Recharge Your Batteries

  • Health - Home Remedies

  • Health - The Challenge of Aging

  • Health - Unhealthy Habits

  • Health - Feeling Stressed

  • Health - A Healthy Lifestyle

  • Health - Run like you stole something

  • Health - I find it therapeutic.

  • Health - A Trip to the Doctor

  • Health - What do you do to stay healthy?

  • Health - Is it just a placebo?

  • Health - Did you get vaccinated?

  • Health - Miracles of Modern Medicine

  • Health - Warning Labels

Food 01

  • Food - If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!

  • Food - Come on in my kitchen.

  • Food - Agriculture

  • Food - The Taste of Summer

  • Food - Japanese food in Poland is hit-and-miss

  • Food - The Real Thing

  • Food - I want my money back.

  • Food - Raising the Bar for High-Class Tastes

  • Food - What's for lunch?

  • Food - Delicacies

  • Food - What's your favorite recipe?

  • Food - Homegrown Goodness

  • Food - Overeating

  • Food - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

  • Food - Food as Art

  • Food - He’s over there, crying into his beer.

  • Food - Coffee

  • Food - Teatime!

  • Food - Unfamiliar Ingredients

Shopping 01

  • Shopping - You Look Marvelous

  • Shopping - The Gift That Keeps On Giving

  • Shopping - That shirt is so five minutes ago.

  • Shopping - Impulse Shopping

  • Shopping - Imports and Exports

  • Shopping - My Favorite Things

  • Shopping - Unfair Fees

  • Shopping - Fast Fashion

  • Shopping - Offer Expires 2/12/11

  • Shopping - I’d like to speak to someone in charge.

  • Shopping - It’s just hype.

  • Shopping - Foreign Products

  • Shopping - The Carrot and the Stick

  • Shopping - Online Shopping

  • Shopping - You look like a million bucks!

  • Shopping - Bogus Products; Fraudulent Sales

  • Shopping - Foreign Currencies

Free Time 01

  • Free Time - It’s just a hobby.

  • Free Time - Concerts

  • Free Time - The show must go on!

  • Free Time - Bring it on!

  • Free Time - The Sound of Confusion

  • Free Time - Let the games begin!

  • Free Time - In the Wild

  • Free Time - Learning the Lingo

  • Free Time - Take a look, it’s in a book.

  • Free Time - TV Land

  • Free Time - That team is dominating this season.

  • Free Time - Let me walk you through it.

  • Free Time - Spoiler Alert!

  • Free Time - TV Land

  • Free Time - Copy that.

  • Free Time - Great Footage

  • Free Time - You’ve had a big influence on me.

  • Free Time - Busking

  • Free Time - What's that you're reading?

  • Free Time - You Spin Me Round

Free Time 02

  • Free Time - I Can’t Help Myself

  • Free Time - A Timeless Classic

Travel 01

  • Travel - Weekends Away

  • Travel - Tourist Troubles

  • Travel - World Heritage Sites

  • Travel - Climb Every Mountain

  • Travel - The Discomforts of Flying

  • Travel - Seeing the Sights

  • Travel - Language and Cultural Barriers

  • Travel - On Your Travels

  • Travel - Problems Abroad

  • Travel - Budget Travel

  • Travel - Souvenirs

  • Travel - Welcome to Paradise

  • Travel - Up, Up, and Away!

  • Travel - What Makes a Great Hotel

  • Travel - Safe Travels

  • Travel - The City of Light

  • Travel - My Idea of Fun

Experiences 01

  • Experiences - I could never part with my ...

  • Experiences - The Kindness of Strangers

  • Experiences - The nerve of the guy!

  • Experiences - Are you experienced?

  • Experiences - How bizarre.

  • Experiences - Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers

  • Experiences - She’s an expat living in Japan.

  • Experiences - Ace it!

  • Experiences - It’s a botched job.

  • Experiences - Train Etiquette

  • Experiences - Stumbling Across Interesting Things

  • Experiences - It changed my life.

  • Experiences - Push Yourself

  • Experiences - It backfired on us.

  • Experiences - It's happened to the best of them.

  • Experiences - Turns out …

  • Experiences - It was a seamless transition.

Value 01

  • Value - Raising the Bar

  • Value - Keeping Up with the Neighbors

  • Value - Not all companies are created equal.

  • Value - A Star Is Born

  • Value - I can’t get no satisfaction.

  • Value - That suits me.

  • Value - You don’t know how lucky you are.

  • Value - It’s a great city.

  • Value - Work-Life Balance

  • Value - I find it really fulfilling.

  • Value - Before You Kick the Bucket

  • Value - Treating Pets like People

  • Value - Millennials

  • Value - It’s for a good cause.

  • Value - Each to their own.

  • Value - It’s an astronomical amount.

  • Value - Living up to Expectations

  • Value - Manners in Public

  • Value - That was in bad taste.

  • Value - Nothing's black and white.

Value 02

  • Value - Perfectionism

  • Value - Big City or Small Town?

  • Value - We need to instigate change.

  • Value - Could you spot me some cash?

Work 01

  • Work - Dream Job

  • Work - Following Orders

  • Work - Decision Maker

  • Work - Work Relationships

  • Work - Rookie Errors

  • Work - Balancing Work and Parenting

  • Work - He looks good on paper.

  • Work - Your Home at the Office

  • Work - Employee Well-being

  • Work - How much are you worth?

  • Work - Telecommuting

  • Work - They built it from the ground up.

  • Work - It's a revolving door.

  • Work - Job Seeker

  • Work - I had a productive day.

  • Work - Efficiency is key

  • Work - I'm feeling upbeat.

  • Work - Standout Résumés

  • Work - Job Experience

  • Work - What's your perspective?

Society 01

  • Society - Striking a Balance

  • Society - Signs of the Times

  • Society - Machines will do the work.

  • Society - Married with Children

  • Society - Reform of Higher Education

  • Society - That’s Unethical

  • Society - Did you see this morning’s paper?

  • Society - Parenting Roles and Traditions

  • Society - English as a Teaching Language

  • Society - Let’s make a conscious effort.

  • Society - Hosting the Olympic Games

  • Society - Conspiracy Theories

  • Society - Take Me to Your Leader

  • Society - Be cool, stay in school.

  • Society - Immigration Pros and Cons

  • Society - A Diverse Brand

  • Society - Cultural Identity and Language

  • Society - Boosting the Birthrate

  • Society - Personal Information

  • Society - Politics as Usual?

Society 02

  • Society - Sharing Responsibility

  • Society - Electricity

  • Society - A Sustainable Future

  • Society - Changing Attitudes and Waning Influence

  • Society - A Representative Democracy?

  • Society - Slow Living

  • Society - Money on My Mind

  • Society - Cut-throat Competition

Culture 01

  • Culture - My Lucky Charm

  • Culture - Happy New Year!

  • Culture - A Traditional Touch

  • Culture - It’s your duty.

  • Culture - National Symbols

  • Culture - School Rules

  • Culture - What is art?

  • Culture - Museums

  • Culture - Animal Symbolism

  • Culture - A bottle of the Ridge Vineyards Zinfandel, please.

  • Culture - Lost in Translation

  • Culture - Second Language Acquisition

  • Culture - Elaborate Holiday Preparations

  • Culture - Good Luck, Bad Luck

  • Culture - Trick or Treat!

  • Culture - When in Rome

Technology 01

  • Technology - I’ll hitch a ride with someone.

  • Technology - New Until Tomorrow

  • Technology - Modern Medicine

  • Technology - In space, no one can hear you scream.

  • Technology - Let’s Go Surfing Now

  • Technology - The Pros and Cons of Downloadable Apps

  • Technology - Robots and Robotics

  • Technology - Internet Security

  • Technology - I’ve been working on the railroad.

  • Technology - Everyday IT

  • Technology - We are experiencing technical difficulties.

  • Technology - Mass Producing Humans

  • Technology - Smarter, Better, Faster

  • Technology - Space Battles and Robots

  • Technology - Intelligent Transportation Systems

  • Technology - A Robot's World

  • Technology - Portable Electronics

  • Technology - Men and Women

Nature 01

  • Nature - Environmental Sustainability

  • Nature - At the Zoo

  • Nature - Underwater World

  • Nature - Invasive Species

  • Nature - Animals and Humans

  • Nature - Thinking Green

  • Nature - Connecting With Nature

  • Nature - Taking Out the Trash

  • Nature - Ferocious Animals

  • Nature - Deep-Sea Research

  • Nature - Bugs

  • Nature - Is that viable?

  • Nature - My daughter’s really into foxes recently.

  • Nature - I have a green thumb.

  • Nature - Nonhuman Rights

  • Nature - Endangered Species
